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induction accelerator中文是什么意思

用"induction accelerator"造句"induction accelerator"怎么读"induction accelerator" in a sentence"induction accelerator"的同义词


  • 电子回旋加速器
  • 感应加速器


  • Optimum design for 12mev linear induction accelerator diode
  • Design of intelligent tuning system for a high current induction accelerator
  • The bpm system that widely used in linear induction accelerator ( lia ) is beam bugs and b - dot
    在直线感应加速器中,广泛使用的束位置测量装置( bpm )有壁电流探测器(电阻环)和磁探针( b - dot ) 。
  • As for high - energy linear induction accelerator , miniaturizing pulse - forming line ( pfl ) is helpful to minify the size of the massive pulsed power system . at the same time , wealth and space could be economized
  • In view of the high demand on the coaxial tolerance of linear induction accelerator in centering assembling and considering the interaction among flange , bolts and gasket , finite element analysis was adopted and a 3 - d finite element model of accelerator in centering assembling with bolted - flange connection was built
  • Next , we design a new type launcher by combining the characteristic of two types of coil launchers . the result of simulation shows that the new launcher is not only a reluctance accelerator , but also a induction accelerator . the new launcher has good performance and great practical worth
用"induction accelerator"造句  


  • accelerates a continuous beam of electrons to high speeds by means of the electric field produced by changing magnetic flux

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